Contact: Bryan Hofmann: Rappahannock River Roundtable
Agroforestry Practices: Silvopasture, Windbreaks, Alley Cropping, Riparian Buffers, Afforestation
Agroforestry Goals: The overarching goal of the grant funding is improved water quality. Healthy soils, pastures, forage, trees, and an appropriate prescribed grazing plan all support clean water and healthy ecosystems while also supporting efficient and productive agricultural operations.
Summary: We write custom planting plans and prescribed grazing plans specific to each property to maximize the benefits and outcomes for landowners and producers. We use bareroot saplings, tubelings, whips, container trees, and live stakes sourced locally in Virginia. Density ranges from 75 trees per acre to 484 trees per acre. All projects are designed in collaboration with Friends of the Rappahannock, Virginia Department of Forestry, American Farmland Trust, Trees for Graziers, and other conservation partners.
This project provides free technical assistance and a range of financial incentives to support landowners and producers interested in planting trees on their properties. We not only provide free technical assistance for project development, but also have financial incentives to support a variety of different project types. Our team will also work with you to identify additional programs and cost-share eligible to "piggyback: with our programs!
The Trees for Shade Program Offers:
Up to 100% cost-share + per acre incentive payments + three years of maintenance for qualifying riparian buffer projects
Up to 100% cost-share + per acre incentive payments for qualifying afforestation projects
Up to $3,000 per acre for silvopasture project implementation and a one time $500 incentive for development of an approved prescribed grazing plan.
Riparian buffers must be a minimum of 35 feet wide to qualify for cost-share assistance.
All tree planting comes with a minimum 10 year contract.
More information at